суббота, 30 июля 2016 г.

Of Politicians Grazing and a Horse Drawn Republic

 Another light humor to enlighten your cloudy day.

Pedro and Juan seems to be restless working overtime at the late afternoon heat reaching 32°C. In a tropical country like the Philippines, news and rumours could be the only fitting escape.
Juan: Hey Pedro, I have a new learning to share to you.
Pedro: What is that Juan, I’m excited to learn about it.
Juan: Have you thought about what the politicians are doing right now since it’s barely 4 months to the elections?Pedro: No, so what do you think they are doing?
Juan: Think of them like horses and they are presently grazing in the field.
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Pedro: Hmmnnn, another interesting perspective. Could you please elaborate more?
Juan: When horses are grazing, they have both eyes uncovered so they have a wider perspective, they have no horse drawn carriage behind them so they could think freely. That’s what politicians do when campaigning, they could persuade people of their insights for a new government.
Pedro: Very interesting Juan, then what about them when they win a seat of authority after elections?
Juan: That’s always the sad part Pedro. When you see a winning candidate waving to thank his/her constituents, while on a motorcade after the polls, that will be the last part of him/her that sees the countryside with open eyes.
Pedro: Why so?
Juan: Because as likened to a horse, they will soon be fitted with the carriage behind them representing the places they lead, and traditionally horses chosen for the task were fitted with eye covers allowing the carriage driver to direct the way.
Pedro: So that explains why they usually lose the insight when they are on the position and simply assume a steady forward pace till the end of the term because the carriage driver keeps on whipping their backs.
Juan: Certainly, Juan. So you see, there’s actually movement but for the most part of it, the carriage might just be circling the same open spot.
Pedro: That makes me wonder, why can’t a politician be the carriage driver and not the horse?
Juan: It can’t be, a politician would always be a horse because the carriage driver’s position could always be left to that person behind the politician’s back who is not legally there to take part in the decisive matters but has natural access to do so.
Pedro: You’re clever Juan. Of course if comes to a male President, he has a First Lady and a female President a First Gentleman.
Juan: You got it, Pedro. You’ve learned a lot. So here’s the other thing, the turn over.
Pedro: What about it Juan? Of course there are “spoils” to be passed on to the succeeding man/woman on each political post.
Juan: Right, speaking about the spoils, if you see the thing used to catch horse droppings at the rear, those are the spoils. It could be literally easy to clean in the actual carriage but it’s a lot complicated in the political counterpart.
Pedro: That keeps me thinking, I knew we have a lot of problems to worry which hasn’t yet come to light. But why of all modes of transportation, you have compared our country to a horse drawn carriage, Juan?
Juan: That’s the most unfortunate truth to accept, Pedro. We are in the 21st century but with our present political antics, we are literally caught up with the Spanish period with the way our leaders rule our country, so I am left with the horse drawn carriage, the calesa to compare it with. I must say we could advance to the Japanese regime when I hear a politician committing “hara-kiri” to save his/her honor but unfortunately we hear the other version, people falling lifeless out of some volatile politics.

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